Rediscover Your Confidence

Advanced Cosmetic & Reconstructive Dentistry

Specialists in solving the most complex dental issues while guiding you every step of the way.

Tailored Precision Dentistry

Aesthetic Restoration

  • Chipped Teeth

  • Eroded & Worn Teeth

  • Bite Dysfunction

Functional Replacement

  • Dental Implants

  • Bridges

  • Dentures

The Smile You Want

  • Veneers

  • Bonding

  • Coloration & Shaping

How We Can Help.

Do you want to have a confident smile in photos with your kids or grandkids?

Do you just want to eat that steak or salad you’ve been craving?

Maybe you want attend events and meals without embarrassment?

1. Consultation & Exam

Your first visit will include a thorough medical and dental history review, a complete exam analyzing your teeth, gums, bite, and smile, x-rays (if needed) and photos. Often collaboration with another specialist is needed to provide optimal diagnosis and treatment.

2. Diagnosis & Treatment Plan

After a diagnosis is established, treatment options will be developed that treat your unique situation. The details and cost of each treatment will be discussed. We will work together to create a plan that not only achieves your goals, but provides long-term stability, health, and beauty.

3. Treatment

We will work closely with you to ensure treatment is as comfortable as possible and will clearly walk you through each step of your treatment.

Top Prosthodontist in the Bay, solving the most complex cases.

Dr. Fishman’s specializes in difficult and complex cases using the least invasive techniques and treatments possible to help you achieve your goals. Your smile will look so natural, strangers wont even know you had dental work done.

Hearing your story is part of her process and she will take the time to understand your unique situation and needs. Your treatment plan will be tailored to restore your long-term functionality and proud smile.

She will walk you through every step and possible option with no upsells or surprise fees, so you will leave feeling excited about your new smile!

Alison Fishman DMD, Prosthodontist, Owner

Full Bio

Trusted Technology, Advanced Techniques

We approach each treatment with the knowledge and access to traditional dental techniques as well as some of the most advanced technologies and materials. This combination allows us to customize your treatment and ensure lasting results.

Many of our crowns and dentures are CAD-designed and 3D-milled from strong and esthetic material utilizing traditional design techniques.

Where we feel the technology hasn’t developed enough yet, we still use traditional techniques and materials like gold crowns and cast metal partial dentures.

Patient Experiences

Are you a new patient?

Call us to set up your first appointment!